pocketfives.com (a site that ranks online players and has other tips, etc.) emailed me about a promo they were doing, which included a $1 rebuy/turbo NLHE tourney where they added 30 buy-ins to the pokerstars sunday millions to the prize pool. great deal!!!
i had a great start - i ended up in 5th place by the end of the 30 minute rebuy period. there were a couple of guys pushing with ATC and continuously rebuying. my plan was to do that a little at the start, but once i doubled up, be a little more selective. turns out i got pretty lucky and only had one rebuy - and i didn't even need it! i had pushed on one of my first couple of hands with J9s and tripled up. the one rebuy i bought was during that hand, not thinking i'd actually win.
the post-rebuy period wasn't so kind to me. i tried a few steals and other solid raises that didn't connect on the flop, and after a long roller coaster ride up and down the standings, i ended up pretty short and luckily got all-in with QQ vs TT and it held up, putting me in the top 30 or so with 80-some players left and 73 tickets in the prize pool.

perhaps if i had a lead over everyone at the table by at least 2M then i would've considered it more. all things considered, i think i made the right play here, and here's my reward:

hopefully, i can turn this ticket into some real $$$!